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Sunday, 26 January 2014

One of the most recent concepts that have arisen in academia and anthropological research is the tendency for housemates to have a linguistic effect on those they room or rent with. Simply living with a person is actually enough to take on their speech habits.


There has been much research in recent years that has documented the relationship between roommates and mental health. This has resulted in a great wealth of academic and journalistic literature that varies in opinion regarding the amount of an effect co-habitation is wearing psychological health.


Research by the University of Michigan as well as the University of Minneapolis has shown that such concepts as happiness, depression, and anxiety use a noticeable rate of transfer between hire mates. Social awkwardness is something that nearly everyone has to deal with on some level. However, recent studies into multi-ethnic rent mate pairings show the phenomenon can lead to a reduction inside social anxiety.


Additionally, simply living with a person of a different background also appears to have a measurable effect on later objectiveness and willingness to be effective in diverse conditions, as exist in most modern businesses.


One of the most obvious effects of roommates on each other concerns physical health. High transmission of illness between those that share the same living space is well noted. While most of that research tends to focus on hospital patients, simply sharing living space has been shown by the Society for Health care Epidemiology of The united states to increase the likelihood of contraction of influenza by around three times.


One of the most surprising areas of interplay between roommates is behavior, and there are few areas where this has been shown to be more evident as compared to in grade efficiency. Many studies have suggested a statistically significant connection exists between dorm-mate choice and grades. A recent study has shown, however, that this effect might be specific to certain populations or rely on additional social parameters

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